Insight Into Finding Love - Psychic Advice from Shawna Allard

Posted on 10th February, 2025

One of the main reasons people call me for a psychic reading is because they need guidance with their love lives. I am especially gifted at helping people identify personality patterns and insights into their significant relationships. A lot of people hang on to the wrong people for the wrong reasons because of fear. Fear is huge. Fear of loneliness. Fear of financial loss. Fear of not being good enough for more. That fear may be attracting exactly what you don't want.

But the Opposite of Fear Is Love

I have many years of experience helping people to identify and attract real love. The law of attraction is more than just positive affirmations.

Attract not only what you seek, but more powerfully, what is hidden deep inside your heart. I work with my clients to shed old patterns that no longer serve them and to reveal the greater truths and desires they've buried over the years, allowing them to attract the love they deserve.

Do you ever wonder if the one you're with is Mr. Right or if it's really just Mr. Right Now? Contact me, let me help you, let Spirit inspire and guide you.
